create your own website

Hello fellow language enthusiasts!

I’m a conjurer... Send me a brief (your mess, your vomit-in-a-doc) — and I’ll work wizardry. To craft your website copy, ads, articles, speeches. 

Or even a particular poem.

Let me spell it out! The celebrities outsource. Politicians too. Why not you?!

I’m a wordable, personable, affordable Melbournian writer.

• As a poet, I produce cutting edge, raw and humourful work with a feminist humanist slant.

• As a spoken word performer, I host collaborative multi-disciplinary gatherings  (including fundraisers) at hotels, galleries, museums, schools and other venues.

• As an editor, copywriter and English tutor, I believe in finesse, flavour and fine-tuning.

• As a proud mother of five children, I believe in feeding them books.

Ph. 0416 237 746    -
