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1. I so admire Medusa

I would so willingly hack
my long blonde strands —
swap them for living coils
of snakes in their stead.
Imagine the hissing halo.
Imagine the hell-bent nest,
the gazes
I could avert and warp.
Imagine my stoicism
fixed beneath the wrath
of red kinetic tongues
anchored down,
reliant upon my skull.

Imagine my clear path
as I shop aisles at Coles,
as I walk past construction
sites to silence.
My peace.
My long panorama.

2. Miracle

The eyeless tabby lives in the vet clinic. Warming the metallic surfaces and white benchtops, she layers the antiseptic smell with her own. There aren’t many who would love a blind cat.
But the vets and nurses do. And she is gracious, haughty, well aware of her charms — and inured to frequent doses of affection. 

New on the job, I watch her bat a feather on a string. Baffled, I diagnose a miracle unravelling. I re-examine her broad face with its deep empty sockets. [They certainly take getting used to.] If she were a pirate, she would wear two eye patches. A jazz musician or another sort of human — I’m sure she would sport dark glasses. But she. I stare straight into the dark recesses of skull, into gravelly empty caves. I cannot help but ask how the eyeless cat could possibly play that game? Microphthalmia, they tell me. She has some residual optical nerve endings, remnants — The vet nurses are impatient. I am calm. She has recovered the contours and shadows of her narrow world. I cannot see what she can see. She can see what I cannot. How much insight[less][ness] could she heal in me?


3. The hawk and the tripper

I told him I liked tattoos             
    and he showed me the hawk 
spread-eagled across his chest 

in thick oceans of bluest ink
    which led me to contemplate 
otherness — like wolves 

and dogs and open ground 
    because I love to tramp 
along clifftops and view 

the wildest blue below 
    beyond and above us all 
and spumes of other colours 

that I see and seek to wear 
     depending on my mood my time 
and what isn’t in the washing pile


4. Dragons don't smoke

                I draw a cruel lungful of fresh air. Let go.
A whoooooooooshh sounds. With scales iridescent 
I unlatch my great jaws. This time words pour forth 
and bounce between cliff walls — my meaning is hot, 
unwavering — and still. I watch as its glowing end 
                smoulders and shrinks. The sudden clarity — 
no cigarette lasts forever. As barriers go, too flimsy 
to install between fears and their sources. As far as 
procrastination — when craving eons, mere minutes 

spill madly as that most notorious milk. I could soon 
be cramped again — in that dank lair, behind boulders. 
In airlessness. So, after packets, entire cartons smoked 
to ash, I put this out half smoked, and grind it under 
a yellowing claw. I exhale like the dragon I’ve always 
wanted to love — purple plumes shoot from my mouth 
to rival the stratosphere. I watch as my dense breaths 
                mingle with storm clouds. I watch until smoke 
and vapour merge. I watch until there’s no distinction 
               between that of my lungs, and that of the sky.

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